Romania: Continuity and innovation in the civics and social education curriculum


  • Simona Sava West University of Timisoara, Department or Educational Sciences. Bvd. V. Pârvan 4, Timișoara 300223, Romania.
  • Ciprian Fartusnic National Centre of Evaluation in Education, Educational Research Unit. Știrbei Vodă 37 Str., București 010102, Romania.
  • Iacobescu Nicoleta-Ancuța West University of Timişoara



Civic Education, Social Education, Education for democratic citizenship, Intercultural education, Competence-based curriculum development


Purpose: The paper maps recent developments in civics and social education in primary and lower secondary Romanian education systems, pointing to significant curriculum changes, within the broader competence-based curriculum reform. The analysis aims also to formulate policy recommendations, based on identified challenges.

Design/methodology/approach: The methodology uses documentary analysis of curriculum and thematic studies, relevant for the policy reforms and practice conceptualisations in civics/social education.

Research limitations/implications: The main findings document the important step forward in promoting civics competencies in Romanian primary education, and social competencies in the lower secondary curriculum. Various challenges affecting the effective implementation of these changes are identified, both at system and school-level.

Practical implications: Focus on formal written and taught curriculum. As curriculum reform in upper secondary education is ongoing, the analysis is limited to primary and lower secondary education. 

Author Biographies

Simona Sava, West University of Timisoara, Department or Educational Sciences. Bvd. V. Pârvan 4, Timișoara 300223, Romania.

Simona Sava PhD Habil, is Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences, West University of Timisoara. Her research interests center on social education, educational management, and policy of education, with a special emphasis on lifelong learning and teacher training. Her current research projects investigate schools as learning organizations, open to the community, and learning communities. She is a board member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame.

Ciprian Fartusnic, National Centre of Evaluation in Education, Educational Research Unit. Știrbei Vodă 37 Str., București 010102, Romania.

Ciprian Fartușnic, PhD, is Senior Researcher at the Education Research Unit, National Centre for Education Policy and Evaluation, associated professor in Social Science Didactics at the Teacher Training Department, National School of Government Bucharest, and associated professor in Education Management at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iași. His research interests are mainly focused on access to education of disadvantaged groups, education policies, curriculum development and teacher training, with a focus on social science teachers.

Iacobescu Nicoleta-Ancuța, West University of Timişoara

Iacobescu Nicoleta-Ancuța, student PhD, at the Doctoral School of Psychology, Department of Educational Sciences at the West University of Timisoara, holding seminars of social education and social pedagogy. Her research interests are mainly focused on access to education of disadvantaged groups, education policies, and social education, with a special emphasis on school transitions. 


  • Abstract
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How to Cite

Sava, S. L., Fartusnic, C., & Nicoleta-Ancuța, I. (2022). Romania: Continuity and innovation in the civics and social education curriculum . JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 21(4).



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